Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi Chi and makes his appearence in the Buu Saga after Goku's death. Goten is trained by Gohan who helps Goten become the youngest saiyan to turn SSJ. As a child Goten looks like an exactly miniature copy of Goku and sometimes shares the same intelect. Goten was not pressured to study as much as Gohan, and he spent his free time doing things with Trunks who bosses Goten around alot. Goten and Trunks enter the Budoukai together and Goten is surprised to see his father for the first time at the Budoukai. Goten and Trunks later on fight Buu by forming a very powerful fused saiyan called Gotenks who almost defeats Buu. As a teenager Goten has his own unique look and trains with his father in the mountains for the next Budoukai in which Goten entered himself. Gotens character goes from being an eager fighter as a young boy and a teenager, to a very subtle and in a way a very messed up man in GT. Goten never reaches SSJ2 and doesn't have that much of an important role in GT.