Bukujutsu, Burning Attack, Finish Buster, Fusion, Kame Hame Ha, Masenko, Renzokou Kikou Ha, SSJ, USSJ, Zanzoken.
#17 and #18 have been wreaking havok on the world. 21-year-old Gohan and 14-year-old Trunks are training. They call it quits for the day, and kill time talking about Gohan's having escaped the androids, and Bulma's having made Gohan's new uniform in the same style as the dead Goku's. Suddenly, a fireball engulfs part of the city below them. The androids have returned to this part of the country. Gohan switches over to Super Saiya-jin mode, and knocks Trunks unconscious when the boy insists on tagging along. Gohan wants there to be at least one fighter in the world, if things go wrong. #18 complains about there not being anyone to kill, as #17 keeps blasting away. The game is no fun anymore. Gohan shows up, and #18 laughs at #17's having been kicked aside. It's been one year since Gohan had escaped, and the man intends on ending the androids' rampage. But, #17 is amused, and says that he's only been fighting at 1/2 strength. Gohan is stunned, and #17 states that he's going to kill the man. Trunks comes to, realizing that he can't sense Gohan's power anymore. Gohan is found in the city, dead. 3 years later, Trunks is returning to Capsule Corp. with a lot of food he's purchased. Bulma talks about the time machine she's been working on 8 months in the making, charging up. She can't test it, and assumes that it will work as designed. The mother and son argue over Trunk's plan to attack the androids, and are interrupted by a radio announcement. The androids have returned again. Trunks flies off, and gets beaten. He comes to in a hospital. He decides to follow Buruma's wishes to go to the past. She reminisces about the powerful Goku, who had died from the heart disease so long ago. Trunks wants to meet his father, too, but Bulma is not so upbeat about that idea. Time passes, and Trunks gets the medicine from his mother, and enters the time machine. Trunks arrives 20 years in the past and defeats Freeza, and King Cold. He then returns to his time after giving Goku the antidote, arriving 3 years later to stop Cell from absorbing the #17 and #18.