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Size: 6'5"
Masenko, Makankosappo, Shogekiha, Tsuihidan, Merging, Mystic Attack (extendable limbs), Eye Beams, Regeneration, Kyodaika, Zanzoken
Piccolo is the offspring of Daimon, who was the "evil half" of Kami. This makes Piccolo and Kami the same person in 2 bodies. If one dies, the other will as well. Goku fought Daimon in the original Dragonball series. Upon being killed by Goku, Daimon released his offspring Piccolo, to defeat Goku, and thus avenge his death.
Due to Raditz's arrival, Piccolo finds that he must team up w/Goku to defeat Goku's older brother. Following the battle, Piccolo learns of 2 more powerful Saiyans, who were on their way to Earth, and will arrive in one year. During the fight with Raditz, Gohan revealed astonishing power. Realizing that Gohans power would be an asset against the other Saiyans, Piccolo decides to train the boy.
After training Gohan for a year, Piccolo grows fond of the boy, and sacrifices himself to save Gohan in the battle with Nappa. His training also made Gohan more independent and self-confident. His fondness of Gohan is evident throughout DBZ, although Gohan eventually surpasses his mentor in power. Like Vegeta, Piccolo was bad, turned good, and doesn't have strong feelings for alot of the other Z-fighters. He's more of a no nonsense military type.. although his character's personality changes somewhat throughout the series.